
I wanted to play around with self hosting my next.js app in my home lab as I wanted to make it act more like a dynamic site compared to static. I want to be able to kick off temporal workflows, and I haven’t decided the best way to make these things talk to each other while keeping deployments as easy as possible.


  • Add the npm packages to containerize your app, mentioned below
  • Add a Github Action
  • Docker compose to run your app

Thought Process

Does Next.js support dockerization, they would have to?

Oh wait, I’m in a monorepo, things aren’t this simple. How to do it the way?

This looks like a lot of work… oh wait, the packages referenced in this article look pretty solid: @nx-tools/nx-container, let’s look into these docs compared to all these hack changes this article is talking about

Side Quest 1

I was trying to prevent caching of my discs in Next.js, or at least refresh it more often. I ended up with export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic from here. More docs here

And look, they have a section for Github Actions:

I added a GitHub action with a few changes here. Don’t forget to add secrets if needed and map them via environment variables in the yaml. Also, INPUT_GITHUB_TOKEN is required

Side Quest 2

I see my npm cache is found and used, although the npm install still takes a bit to run, although it still is fast relatively to a real install. Docs here

I did need to specify my Docker image tag to correctly match Docker Hub here and I chose to automatically push to Docker here

I can now run the app with a simple docker compose on my server here