Docker Hub for LK

Recommender and trip planning for things to do outdoors Climbing Disc Golf Projects Fitness Software and Projects Travel - State park visited completion I expose google history dataset I expose state park dataset (probably want a simple dataset folder to house these things and you can choose what to load…) Logging climbs - Climb Logger V3 (recording) climbs searching where you’ve been with google history infrastructure - tailscale or cloudflare tunnels 2023-09-06 Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel Setup

I’m going to need calendar integration :/

as part of the location recommending - external things you need to do: turn on google takeout every 2 montsh for one year, then schedule a calendar thing to make a reminder for you calendar integration:

fitness second brain - use a standing desk to force or limit your time on computers

Obsidian for:

  • Note taking
  • Digital Garden
  • Blog

Main executables that wire up smaller utilities/projects:

  • lkat (server)
  • lk (client cli)


  • Noco DB
  • n8n
  • Home Lab and Architecture
  • Invoicing
  • Climb recording
  • IOT - Aquarium
  • Pluggable architecture
  • gamification
  • fitness goals
  • ssh + rest + grpc + electron + CLI + web




  • Kibana
  • Apache blah blah taht is like tableau


  1. Cloud needs to talk to your API publically or it talks to a shared resource like a db or a queue
  2. Auth is needed in cloud or via cloud flare for private HIPAA things


I’d like to be multi-tenant so I can start it for my son Troy (we could compare data and it would be good to see other’s data)

Design Decisions

Why create a server that Obsidian needs to call when you could create a macro or full fledged Obsidian extension?

A few reasons

  • Keep obsidian macro/client super lightweight
  • Ability to write code in any language by being an external web server
  • Ability to consolidate a lot of utilities and functionality in lkat where as doing this in an obsidian extension wouldn’t support this use case

Why and why Postgres?

I’ve iterated on this way too much, wasting my time and just abandoning things. I’ve tried Dynamo, Mongo, EventStore DB, etc.

Postgres is just a swiss army knife, and supports unstructured data along with all the query support I need. I don’t want to worry about backing up things so I’m using the cloud. This is free!

N8n, Noco DB can all talk to Postgres easily as well. So a way to make my projects and integrations easy.

I want to model off of how temporal and cobra cli host their product (grpc, golang, etc.)

UI s

  • Next JS
  • Obsidian
  • Noco DB
  • CLI (LK)

Built With



  • You need all caps when doing environment variables for viper to pick them up, oops I forgot. Recommended Dockerfile
  • I recently allowed config file and env vars with this and this

To Dos

  • Destroy current pulumi stack under software/infrastructure and create a new lkat and pulumi/infrastrucutre folder to make things like… idk, resend api key or kestra IAM for S3?
  • Need sql migrations
  • Need pulumi to create at least SNS topic

It’s ok to have software that runs on your computer, like a file watcher that will upload to a server and notify you of the link… its ok!! some thingsa are cloud, some things run local, its ok…!


KISS - Don’t need to put domains in SQL unless needed. Just define it here, it can be parsed out if needed. This way it can be edited with the Obsidian GUI on PC or mobile.